January 5, 2011

Unaccomplished! 1/5/11

Oh phone how I hate you!! Well really its a love hate relationship because Im addicted to you and just cant get enough! Why is it people think stay at home moms have nothing to do so they feel they can call and carry hour long conversations?I swear everytime I put my phone down it run again today! Making my day very unaccomplished! 108 minutes on this puppy today.See its on the charger? It needed it...

Besides that I did spend a lot of time playing with Carson which I guess only added to getting nothing accomplished lol. He slipped out with me while Caleb stayed home and played kinect with daddy. Carson use to be so shy by now he gets his feelings hurt when some one doesnt say hi to him at walmart,he tells everyone hi! I just love him to pieces :)

I found pjs for $3 and Im always buying brother school clothes so I decided Id get for him tonight :)

PS this blog has really gotten me taking more pics!

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